Female, DMH Tricolour, DOB 01/12/2012

Hello, I’m an adventurous, senior lady, finally looking to settle down to a slower pace of life. And what a life it’s been! One upon a time, I had a nice stable home environment but I craved a little more excitement in my younger years! I decided to go off travelling instead, so off I went! Oh the stories I could tell and the adventures that I had, it was a crazy time for sure!! All good things have to come to an end though and six years later I found myself homeless and at the local pound. A lot can change in that amount of time… my owners circumstances had changed and I was unable to go back to the place I thought was home. APS have given me a place to stay and I am enjoying quiet time, snuggled up in my little igloo. It’s not the same a a cosy, warm forever home though. If you have a nice quiet place, how about my igloo and I coming to live with you? I don’t like little people so much but a couple would be perfect or I’d be a great companion to you if your single? What say we give it a go? Come and meet me at APS today!