Male, DSH Black and White, DOB 03/07/2021

Hello I’m looking for a home for myself and my brother Halen.

We are two very nice boys… we are friendly and loving, cuddly and cute! We love hoomans and will feel comfortable in most homes, as long as you give us a bucket full of love then we will give twice as much back.

Our prerequisite (what does that even mean!) is that we need to have a strictly indoor home as my brother is FIV positive. What even is FIV?

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus affects our immune system making us more vulnerable to picking up infections and fighting disease. Sounds bad eh?

Well actually it’s not! With an annual health check and vaccination (which is recommended for all cats) most FIV cats have similar lifespans to those not affected and often show no signs of the virus at all. Today having FIV is really not a big deal, and don’t worry, hoomans can’t catch it either!

So why choose us?

We could be the ready made feline family you have been looking for! We are smoochy, loving and we love each others company too, and should you have little people in your house then we would be a great option as we are non aggressive and quite passive – we just want to be loved.

Why don’t you come down to APS today and meet us, we’d love to meet you!