Male, DMH Black and White, DOB 09/01/2023

Yo! Your looking for the purrfect cat, right?

Then your in the right place, ‘cos that’s ME!

Can you believe it was that easy to find me!

I’m still officially a kitten for another couple of weeks… but I come without all the mess and craziness that young kittens bring. Yep, I’m big enough not to get under your feet, I can use my litter tray without playing in it and I won’t demand your attention every second of the day (although I will demand your attention every hour that I am awake!).

The hoomans at the shelter think I would suit any home because I am the goodest and most handsome cat there (my opinion, but that counts, right?), but I’m not familiar with the woofy kind so if you have one of those be sure to introduce us slowly (the same if you have another cat as they might get jealous of my good looks!).

Just make sure you rush down to APS as soon as you can ‘cos I won’t be here long, I’m confident of that!!