Male, DSH Tabby, DOB 23/09/2018

I was a born a rescue cat and was one of the lucky ones; adopted as a kitten I thought I’d left the my old life behind. Unfortunately things changed this year, and once again I found myself as a rescue cat again. It’s not such a bad life; I am well cared for, I have regular meals and comfortable places to snuggle down when I’m cold… it’s just not the same as having a home of my own though.

I’m hoping one day I can feel the love of a human again. To be someones treasured cat, to make them feel special and to make me feel wanted. I’m hopeful; I’m friendly and adaptable and feel like I would fit in almost anywhere, if given time to settle in.

I’m hoping someone out there will given me the second chance I deserve, to help me find my furever home once again. You’ll find me waiting at APS today.