Female, DSH Torti, DOB 01/01/2010

Hello to you all… can you help an older lady like myself?

My story is not unusual, you see I did once have a home, for a long time, but through no fault of my own, I was surrendered to APS.

I felt scared and sad, for a long time! I hid away in my igloo bed and pretended I was elsewhere. The humans were kind to me but the sounds around me strange and unfamiliar.

Eventually I’ve become accustomed to shelter life. I greet the humans at my pen door and I know I’ll get a pet and some tasty food in return… but it’s just not the same. I miss having my own humans, the warmth of a cosy fire and a window view.

I’m looking for a quiet retirement home. Somewhere I can live out my golden years with a human companion, someone I can snuggle up with and if your lucky maybe I’ll even sit on your knee!

So, do you think you can help me?

I’m such a good girl and I just want to be loved again.