Hey there, I’m Charlie! I came into the shelter recently as a scared pup who didn’t know how to handle the big, wide world. I has since come out of my shell and the APS angels have begun to see my cheeky character shine through! I love to play, do crazy zoomies and play tug-o-war with my peeps. My most favourite thing ever is playing with other dogs, because of this I need a doggy sibling with lots of energy to keep me entertained and play, play, play all day! I must has pawrents who can continue my socialisation with the world and everyone/thing in it as I am still very wary, this is crucial to help me grow into the handsome, confident good boy that everyone knows I has in me. Please form an orderly line, only the mostest special homes need apply!
~ Must be homed with another dog
~ Potential pawrents must be committed to ongoing training and socialisation
~ Will grow to be a large breed cuddle monster