Hello, my name is Marlee! The first thing you need to know about me is that I LOVE to play, like really, really love. I don’t even need a hooman with me to play, I’ll find my own entertainment! One of my favourite things to play with is the hose, I could go for hours chasing and “biting” the water that comes out! You probably noticed I have Husky in me, that does make me quite cheeky and I will definitely need very secure fences to keep me from exploring the world (that may, or may not, have been the reason I am here hehe). Don’t be fooled, I may be full of beans and love to play but I also love my quiet time. I especially like it when it involves a couch and someone’s lap to rest my pretty head on. I would really love a family to call me own, I grew up with children so to be able to have some hooman siblings sounds delightful. Come in a throw a ball for me, I promise I will steal your heart.